3 Quick Facts About Your Roof Insurance Claim

by | Aug 31, 2020 | Residential Communities

roofing services mile high neighborhood

If you are faced with a roof damage that requires you to file a claim for compensation with your insurer, here are some facts that you should know about:

  • You will be required to pay a deductible – in most cases, the owner of the insured property also needs to contribute by paying a certain amount towards the total costs of the repair or replacement of the damaged roof. You must be prepared that your insurance company might not pay their part before you pay yours;
  • Your insurer will pay only the amount established by their adjuster or what you negotiate for – your insurer will send their own roof inspection expert to evaluate the damage sustained by your roof, then they will come up with their own calculations. If the difference between the amount that you claim and what your insurer offers is substantial, you should try to negotiate and reach a settlement;
  • You need insurance to be able to get compensation even if your roof is new – new roofs withstand harsh weather much better than old, weakened structures, but even so, you are not eligible for any compensation if you don’t have a valid insurance policy. Whether or not you have a valid policy will be the first thing that your insurer will check.  Talk with a local roofing company like https://mhpsllc.com to find out how they can help with the process.