What Is A Standard Warranty On A New Roof And Can You Buy An Extended Warranty?

by | Apr 22, 2021 | General

roof warranty roofing company guarantee

The average homeowner considers that installing a new roof can be quite a big investment. In this respect, it is essential to know all the details regarding warranties, how they work and if you can purchase an extended warranty to cover all potential issues that your roofing system may have in the future.

The investment made in one’s roofing may vary depending on the materials, the market, etc. However, such investment should be taken with proper consideration. The standard roofing warranty refers to two types of warranties, namely one that is covering the materials, and the other one which is covering the workmanship.

The warranty which covers the materials refers to any type of manufacturing defect which can be found on your roofing materials. For instance, if you have a shingle roofing warranty, it covers the shingles in case they are found to be defective, and it can be about 25 years long with the help of a Thornton roofing company. Nevertheless, there can be other parts of the roof which may get damaged. Workmanship warranty guarantees protection for installation and labor.

For those who tend to worry about potential harmful events that may happen to their home, buying an extended warranty can rid them of all the extra worries.


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